Due to Commissioner vacancies in two of the Town’s Districts, we are currently accepting resumes for District 1 and 3 Commissioners.

Pursuant to the Town’s Charter, the Town Commission must appoint residents from Districts 1 and 3 who would serve a term which would expire on the second Wednesday of March, 2025. The appointees would need to qualify for election for the March 2025 election if they wish to remain on the Commission. Due to the unique circumstances, the appointees would need to qualify again in December of 2025 for the March 2026 election for a full two-year term.

To be eligible for appointment, you must be a resident of District 1 or 3, and a qualified registered voter of District 1 or 3. Interested residents are asked to submit a letter of interest and resume to the Town Clerk, either in person or at: [email protected] no later than Friday, January 19 at noon.

The Town Commission has scheduled a Special Meeting for 6 p.m. on January 24, 2024 to review applicants and make an appointment(s). If selected to be a Commissioner, the candidate(s) would need to comply with the financial disclosure requirement of the Florida Code of Ethics for Public Officers. A sample of the disclosure form may be reviewed at:: https://ethics.state.fl.us/documents/Forms/SampleForm6.pdf?cp=20231214.