Town of Redington Shores Online Disclaimer
As a convenience to visitors to the Town of Redington Shore’s website, we provide links to agencies that may supply information and provide services. Redington Shores does not endorse those agencies, nor does the Town represent or warrant that the information and/or services those agencies provide will be suitable for the purposes of the user(s) or that any result will be achieved by the user(s) of the information and/or services.
The Town of Redington Shores makes an attempt to ensure all the information on this site is correct. However, in the event that any information on this site is incorrect or not current, the Town assumes no liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly as a result of incomplete, incorrect or omissions of information. If you do find incorrect information, please email the Town Clerk so the errors can be corrected.
Subscribers to website updates should be aware that the information they input, including name, address and email, is stored in a secure database. The user’s IP address is also recorded. This information will never be sold to a 3rd party, nor will it be used for anything other than Town news notifications pertaining to this website alone. Users have the option to unsubscribe or email the town to have their info removed.