Mission Statement

We, the residents and businesspeople who are the caretakers of the Town of Redington Shores, Florida, dedicate ourselves to the mission of preserving the natural beauty of this small- town community where people live, work, and socialize in harmony. Redington Shores is a unique community where nature and the water environment come together. Our citizens enjoy our white sandy beaches and beautiful sunsets daily. We know that we are home when we cross the bridge, which brings us to our tropical world of palm trees, lush flowers, manatees, pelicans, dolphins, and other wildlife.

Our mission is to ensure a clean and safe community that’s highlighted by friendly residential neighborhoods and a dynamic business community working together to enhance and improve our island’s qualities. Elected officials maintain a responsive Town Government, where people can exchange ideas freely, insist on quality public services and foster beautification and a unique style for this community. As we endeavor to fulfill this mission, we will embrace the spirit of those who live, work, and play on this island paradise that is our home, Redington Shores, Nature’s Beach.



Lisa Hendrickson
(727) 492-6495 | [email protected]

tom-kapperDistrict 1 Commissioner

Tom Kapper
(727) 458-3306 | [email protected]

cj-hoytDistrict 2 Commissioner

CJ Hoyt
(727) 423-5185 | [email protected]

erin-schoos-dist-3District 3 Commissioner

Erin Schoos
(727) 648-5321 | [email protected]

photo coming soon

District 4 Commissioner

Larry Maynard
(727) 397-5538 | [email protected]

mike-mcglothlinTown Administrator

Mike McGlothlin, MBA-PA
(727) 397-5538 | [email protected]

rob-peeblesBuilding Official

Rob Peebles
(727) 397-5538 | [email protected]

Town Clerk

Margaret Carey
(727) 397-5538 | [email protected]

photo coming soon

Deputy Clerk

(727) 397-5538 | [email protected]

connie-moweryTown Receptionist

Connie Mowrey
(727) 397-5538 | helpdesk@townofredingtonshores.com

Town Commission Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm.  The agendas are posted 72-hours before the meeting on all town bulletin boards.

Redington Shores Town HallTown Hall Office Hours:

Monday and Wednesday: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Phone: (727) 397-5538
Fax: (727) 392-9470
Email: [email protected]