17425 Gulf Blvd., Redington Shores, FL 33708

Posts filed under: building department

BUILDING DEPARTMENT UPDATE REDINGTON SHORES and REDINGTON BEACH 12/6/2024   SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE LETTERS: Letters will be sent to residents as we receive the data from Tidal Basin, the State-contracted inspectors.......
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BUILDING DEPARTMENT UPDATE REDINGTON SHORES and REDINGTON BEACH 12/4/2024   SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE LETTERS: Letters will be sent to residents as we receive the data from Tidal Basin, the State-contracted inspectors.......
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The FEMA “50% rule” states that if the cost to repair damage to a structure after a flood or disaster exceeds 50%* (*Redington Shores code is 49%) of its market......
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Soon you will receive your substantial damage letter. Here are answers to the common questions that may arise. 1) I received my letter. What’s the next step? You have options......
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