17425 Gulf Blvd., Redington Shores, FL 33708

Posts filed under: flood and insurance

Pinellas County has launched a new Disaster Risk Survey as part of an effort to understand our community’s vulnerabilities to a major disaster....
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Tropical Storm Eta flooded many homes and businesses in Pinellas County. The following rundown of advice and resources are still applicable to those impacted. General information FEMA Individual Assistance is......
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While Redington Shores generally “dodged the bullet”, we know that some of our residents sustained serious flood damage to their homes. As the water receded, the town and its residents......
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Redington Shores will be hosting the annual Hurricane and Flood Awareness Meeting on Thursday May 14th, 2020 at 6 pm via Go To Webinar....
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Redington Shores will be hosting the Annual Flood Insurance Workshop on Tuesday February 25th 2020 at 6 pm. The workshop will be held at Town Hall and will include: Updates......
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There is a 1-3 ft storm surge warning for our area.  Although we don’t expect severe impacts from the storm, it is important we stay prepared.  Please monitor the weather......
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Hurricane season lasts until Nov. 30, and there may be additional storm threats Residents advised to hold onto sandbags through hurricane season. After the season, sandbags can be brought to......
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Are YOU prepared? Hurricane Season begins June 1st! Make sure you are prepared. Join us for our Annual Flood & Hurricane Information Meeting on Thursday, May 16th, 2019, 7 p.m. ......
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