The Town of Redington Shores is currently seeking candidates to volunteer on the Planning and Zoning Board and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. The following positions are available: Planning......
Due to Commissioner vacancies in two of the Town’s Districts, we are currently accepting resumes for District 1 and 3 Commissioners. Pursuant to the Town’s Charter, the Town Commission must......
District 1 Commissioner Jennie Blackburn has decided to resign, effective December 30th, 2023. She cited her concerns regarding the new Form 6 Financial Disclosure requirement, which is a far more......
Mayor MaryBeth Henderson has decided to resign as the Mayor of Redington Shores, effective December 29th, 2023. She cited her concerns regarding the new Form 6 Financial Disclosure requirement, which......
Town Hall will close at 12 p.m. on Friday 12/22/2024 and will be closed on Christmas Day. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday the 26th. Town Hall will......
Due to the Legislature’s newly-imposed requirement that local elected officials file a more detailed Form 6 financial disclosure form, District 2 Commissioner Christy Herig has, with great regret, submitted notice......
GENERAL ELECTION INFORMATION The Town of Redington Shore’s next General Election will be on March 19, 2024, for Mayor, District 1, and District 3 Commissioners. Qualifying Period: Friday, December 1,......
The Small Business Administration (SBA) is offering assistance to anyone who suffered damage from Hurricane Idalia that occurred on August 27th-September 4th. The deadline to apply is October 30th. Below,......