17425 Gulf Blvd., Redington Shores, FL 33708

Posts filed under: government

Town Hall will be closed on Monday, February 19th for President’s Day. Normal hours will resume on Tuesday, February 20th. Thank you      ...
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As we embark on a new chapter in the life of our treasured town, I stand before you with a sense of both gratitude and excitement. It has been a......
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The Town of Redington Shores is currently seeking candidates to volunteer on the Planning and Zoning Board and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. The following positions are available: Planning......
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Due to Commissioner vacancies in two of the Town’s Districts, we are currently accepting resumes for District 1 and 3 Commissioners. Pursuant to the Town’s Charter, the Town Commission must......
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District 1 Commissioner Jennie Blackburn has decided to resign, effective December 30th, 2023. She cited her concerns regarding the new Form 6 Financial Disclosure requirement, which is a far more......
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Mayor MaryBeth Henderson has decided to resign as the Mayor of Redington Shores, effective December 29th, 2023. She cited her concerns regarding the new Form 6 Financial Disclosure requirement, which......
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Town Hall will close at 12 p.m. on Friday 12/22/2024 and will be closed on Christmas Day. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday the 26th. Town Hall will......
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Due to the Legislature’s newly-imposed requirement that local elected officials file a more detailed Form 6 financial disclosure form, District 2 Commissioner Christy Herig has, with great regret, submitted notice......
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GENERAL ELECTION INFORMATION The Town of Redington Shore’s next General Election will be on March 19, 2024, for Mayor, District 1, and District 3 Commissioners. Qualifying Period:  Friday, December 1,......
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The Small Business Administration (SBA) is offering assistance to anyone who suffered damage from Hurricane Idalia that occurred on August 27th-September 4th. The deadline to apply is October 30th. Below,......
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