The Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has determined that the Town of Redington Shores will increase to a Class 6 in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS). The floodplain management activities implemented by the Town qualifies it for a 20 percent discount in the premium cost of flood insurance for NFIP policies issued or renewed in Special Flood Hazard Areas on or after May 1, 2019. This increase is based on a field verification of your five-year cycle CRS application.
Please note Preferred Risk Policies, applicable in Zones B, C, and X, on our community’s NFIP Flood Insurance Rate Map are not eligible for the CRS discount. Standard rated flood insurance policies in Zones B, C, X, D, AR ad A99 are limited to a CRS discount of ten percent in Class 1-6 communities and five percent in Class 7-9 communities. The rates for these zones already reflect significant premium reductions.
If there are no NFIP noncompliance actions, the CRS rating for our community will automatically be renewed annually. This renewal will occur as long as our community continues to implement the CRS activities we certify annually. If no additional modifications or new CRS activities are added, the next verification visit for our community will be in accordance with its established five-year cycle. In the interim, FEMA will periodically send the NFIP/CRS Update Newsletter and other notices to our CRS Coordinator to keep our community informed.
FEMA has commended the Town’s actions and determination to make our community more disaster resistant. This commitment enhances public safety, property protection, and protects the natural functions of floodplains, and reduces flood insurance premiums for everyone.