Board of Commissioners

  • Mayor: MaryBeth Henderson
  • District #1 / Vice Mayor: Tom Kapper
  • District #2 Commissioner: Jeff Neal
  • District #3 Commissioner: Michael Robinson
  • District #4 Commissioner: Pat Drumm

From The Mayor

Summer is on its way and with summer comes the Hurricane Season. Please mark your calendar for our educational Flood & Hurricane Awareness Meeting on May 17, 2018 at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held here at Town Hall 17425 Gulf Blvd.

With summer also brings us the Turtle season. Clearwater Marine Aquarium will soon be doing their annual lighting survey around our area. Let’s all be proactive and take steps to abate the potentially harmful lighting to the turtles.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome a new member to our Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Michael Robinson was elected unopposed and will be representing District 3. Please make Commissioner Robinson feel welcome and we look forward to working with him.

Please have a Safe & Wonderful Summer!

From Vice Mayor Tom Kapper

The Town’s Town Hall has went under some construction lately. The Town Hall has painted the whole interior and has also replaced the flooring.

From Commissioner Jeff Neal

I can’t believe it has been a year since taking the office of District 2 Commissioner. Here are a few things already in process and a few we have to look forward to:

  • We are going to continue our attempts at controlling the speeding on our streets. We have improved but we are not going to let up.
  • Our sewer project is well under way. The relining is going well along with the refurbishment of the manholes.
  • The East side of Gulf Boulevard’s underground project should commence soon. Thanks to the diligent efforts of the Town Attorneys, the red tape was finalized on the LaVistana property for the new Veterans Park. The project is well underway and should be completed soon.

Thank you,
Jeff Neal

Upcoming Events

Thanks to the generous donations from our local businesses and our residents our July 4th 2017 celebration was excellent again last year. We are already taking donations for July 4, 2018, and with your help we hope to have as great a celebration this summer.

Steve Andrews, Building Official

Many town codes require town employees to enforce the specific letter of the law. Ordinances such as un-permitted landscape, over growth, trailer parking, business licensing, noise, dog/cat litter etc.… please call Town Hall if you have issues with any code violations

Who’s responsible?

The Town Codes above, and Chapter 90 Land Development Regulations, say that you, as property owners are responsible.

As residents, association board members, operators, and managers you are responsible for any violations on your property, even if committed by tenants.

Clerk’s Corner

The Town Clerk would like to remind everyone to mark their calendar for the Town Annual Picnic October 13th.

Constant Contact

If you wish to be included in Town’s “Constant Contact” email messages, please provide your email address to Town Hall at [email protected], or stop by Town Hall to sign up. You can also click here.