Elevate Florida is in the final stages of program development with significant updates expected in the coming weeks, including the launch of the application portal. Though the application period has not yet opened for homeowners, we have developed a list of Frequently Asked Questions for you to review. If you have additional questions that are not addressed, please reach out to the Residential Mitigation team at [email protected]. The list below contains the most commonly received questions, but please review the attached document for more frequently asked questions and answers.
The Elevate Florida webpage has been updated to include the FAQ and please note that the link has changed: https://www.floridadisaster.org/dem/mitigation/Elevate-Florida/
Frequently Asked Questions
When will the Elevate Florida application portal be open?
The application portal is anticipated to open in the coming weeks. For those with limited computer access, assistance will be available to complete your application through other methods. FDEM will message about how and when to apply via it’s GovDelivery messaging service and on the website listed above. Subscribe to the Elevate Florida Updates topic on our website. The Elevate Florida application portal will be separate from the systems used by local governments to apply to these programs. Residents should not create a FEMA GO, grants.gov, or sam.gov account.
Why should I apply to Elevate Florida and not go through my local government to apply?
Elevate Florida is a Florida specific program, designed to significantly reduce the time it takes to apply and complete the project if awarded. Because homeowners are able to apply directly to the State (FDEM), some of the typical constraints are eliminated, allowing more residents to receive funding.
How is Elevate Florida different than the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) or Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) program?
FMA is a nationally competitive annual grant program which requires NFIP coverage prior to funding announcement. HMGP becomes available after a disaster declaration. Both FMA and HMGP are not available directly to residents and residents must apply through their local government. Under typical circumstances, the average time period from application submittal to construction is between 2-3 years.
Elevate Florida is a Florida specific program which enables homeowners to apply directly with the State for funding consideration. This program is expected to be an expedited process with an anticipated time period of 2-6 months from application to the start of construction for most homeowners.
What are the eligibility criteria for participation?
More information regarding eligibility will be announced soon. Because Elevate Florida will utilize multiple funding sources, the program is accessible to a wide range of circumstances and homeowners. In general, an eligible participant must be over the age of 18, a U.S. citizen, the owner of the home, and a voluntary participant. Additionally, the structure must be owned by an individual or individuals, not a company. Structures which are owned by an LLC or other organization are not eligible to participate in Elevate Florida, and should reach out to their local government regarding other mitigation funding opportunities.
You do not need prior flooding history to be considered eligible for Elevate Florida. Structures in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) with no prior flooding history are encouraged to apply. Structures located out of the SFHA that have experienced flooding are also encouraged to apply. If available, information regarding prior flood history should be submitted as supporting documentation with the application. Identify your flood zone using FDEM’s Flood Map Service.
Will I need a contractor, engineering design, or an Elevation Certificate to participate?
No. As part of Elevate Florida, an elevation certificate, all required studies and assessments, and the design will be acquired on your behalf. Additionally, the State will be procuring a pool of contractors to perform turn-key construction services.
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