Soon you will receive your substantial damage letter. Here are answers to the common questions that may arise.

1) I received my letter. What’s the next step?

You have options at this point:

    • Accept the values on the letter and base your decisions on those, or
    • Disagree with the pre-storm value and/or substantial improvement-substantial damage estimate

a. If you disagree with the pre-storm value, you may:

i. Contact Pinellas County Property Appraiser for a second review, or

ii. Obtain a retroreflective appraisal from a Florida licensed appraiser.

b. If you disagree with the substantial improvement-substantial damage estimate, you may

i. Request a Substantial Damage Reinspection, and/or

ii. Provide actual costs to repair completely (see sample) to pre-disaster condition by submitting:

                1. A complete estimate from a licensed contractor, or
                2. A detailed breakdown of labor and materials – substantiated by an approved construction estimation publication

2) What happens after that?

Once both pre-storm value and substantial improvement-substantial damage costs are settled, base your decisions on those:

a. If substantial improvement-substantial damage is not present, please submit the required paperwork and apply for the appropriate permit(s),

b. If substantial improvement-substantial damage is present, decide if you want to:

i. Elevate the existing structure to the required height.

ii. Demolish the building, and:

          1. Rebuild a resilient structure, or
          2. Leave an empty lot.

3. How do I complete the process?

Submit the required paperwork and apply for the appropriate permit(s). Build as normal.