17425 Gulf Blvd., Redington Shores, FL 33708

Posts filed under: flood and insurance

The Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has determined that the Town of Redington Shores will increase to a Class 6 in the National Flood Insurance Program......
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To The Residents of Redington Shores, One of the many benefits of living in the Town of Redington Shores is our proximity to water.  With the white sandy beaches to......
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Attend Any Flood Risk Open House to Speak With a Specialist and Ask Questions Attendees will be able to view preliminary flood maps, speak with flood insurance specialists, and meet......
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Alberto update: Sustained 20 mph with gusts to 40 mph possible Saturday night and Sunday. Dangerous boating conditions Tonight through Monday with waves 6-10 feet and gusts to gale force......
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Board of Commissioners Mayor: MaryBeth Henderson District #1 / Vice Mayor: Tom Kapper District #2 Commissioner: Jeff Neal District #3 Commissioner: Michael Robinson District #4 Commissioner: Pat Drumm From The......
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Summer is on its way and with summer comes the Hurricane Season. Please mark your calendar for our educational Flood & Hurricane Awareness Meeting on May 17, 2018 at 7:00......
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